To all...
On a recent run to Chloride, I was talking with Dusty and he informed me that he has never run Wheeler Pass.
I remembered that a couple of years ago, he was with some of us and we had just started up Wheeler Pass when he lost his fan belt. He replaced it with a used one he had, but not wanting to chance it, he left the run and went home. So I thought I'd run Wheeler for Dusty.
So on Saturday, December 16th, Dusty and I will be running Wheeler Pass. We will meet on Hwy 95 at the Cold Creek Road Exit at 8:30 and roll at 9:00 and ending up in Pahrump. Cold Creek Road is about 5.5 miles past the Lee Canyon turn off on Hwy 95.
Please remember... this is a fun run and can be more difficult than a normal club run, so stock vehicles might have difficulties. All those interested, are welcome. I haven't run Wheeler for a couple of years and I'm not doing a pre-run, so it will be a surprise when we get there. If anyone has any questions or needs further directions, please let me know. Hope to see you there.