Nevada Backroaders

Answer to the "Age Old Question"
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Author:  Navy-Jeepster [ Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Answer to the "Age Old Question"

I borrowed this from a post on the UFWDA forum from one of our members.

I also posted it on Pirate4x4, and it has started a pretty good dialog over there also.

John put some pretty good thought into this post.

Ah yes, the age old question. Unfortunately, this age old question is what's killing us. Instead of thinking "what's in it for me" our community needs to think "what's in it for all of us." When someone writes a check to the Sierra Club, they aren't consciously thinking "what's in it for me." Sub consciously, they have the benefit of the good feeling that comes from "saving the environment" (their marketing is far better than ours), but they aren't asking "what do I get?" when they see a solicitation.

If every wheeler stopped saying, "what's in it for me" and started saying "together we can win" we would face a much less dismal outlook. "Think of the whole, not yourself" is the mantra I'd like to promote.

I'm not giving you a hard time, rather this thread made me think of this so I typed it.

I'm sick of every wheeler who has a $20K rig, a $5K trailer, and $50K tow rig, but they can't give $100/year for land use causes. It's pathetic, and it's why we'll be left with private parks and a few scattered trails within 20 years unless we change our way of thinking. Keep thinking it won't happen. 4000 miles of open routes are being closed in Moab this summer as a result of the new RMP. We went from 1.5 million acres of open cross-country travel to 6000 miles of routes and now to 2200 miles of routes. What do you think will happen with the next RMP in 15 years?

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